Unveiling the nexus: Teachers’ self - efficacy on realistic mathematics education via structural equation modeling approach
Ernest F. Akosah 1 * , Yarhands D. Arthur 2, Benjamin A. Obeng 2
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1 Peki College of Education, Ghana
2 Mathematics Education Department, AAMUSTED, Ghana
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This quantitative study examines the mediating role of teacher self-efficacy on the relationship between realistic mathematics education (RME) and learners' mathematics achievement in Ghanaian junior high schools. Data were collected using structured questionnaire from 396 mathematics teachers and 7621 students across four regions: Ashanti, Bono East, Greater Accra, and Volta. Using a correlational cross-sectional descriptive survey design, the study employed structural equation modeling (SEM) run from Amos (ver. 23) to analyze relationships among RME principles, teacher self-efficacy, and students' mathematics achievement. The findings indicate that RME methods directly enhance students' mathematics achievement. Additionally, there is a positive direct relationship between teachers' self-efficacy and students' mathematics achievement. Importantly, teacher self-efficacy was found to mediate the relationship between RME and students' mathematics achievement, highlighting its crucial role in educational outcomes. These results emphasize the significance of both effective pedagogical approaches and teacher confidence in improving mathematics education. The study contributes empirical evidence supporting the integration of RME principles and the importance of fostering teacher self-efficacy to enhance educational practices and student success in Ghanaian junior high schools.



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