Teaching and learning the fundamental of calculus through Python-based coding
Kado Kado 1 *
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1 Gongzim Ugyen Dorji Central School, Bhutan
* Corresponding Author


The use of modern information and communication technology (ICT) tools in the teaching of mathematics and science are vigorously supported across the world, particularly in emerging countries where digital technology penetration rates are quickly increasing. The use of python programming, which has the potential to visualize abstract mathematical concepts dynamically, will assist instructors in elucidating calculus concepts that could not previously be delineated using traditional teaching methods. From this perspective, this study was conducted to ascertain the effectiveness of python-based coding on fundamental of calculus on grade eleven students in one of the higher secondary school in western Bhutan. In the study, the pre-test and post-test control group quasi-experimental design was used. The participants of the study consisted of 60 students (28 in experiment group and 32 in control group). Python-based Coding instructional units prepared by the researchers was administered to the children in the experiment group while the students in the control group received the traditional lecture strategy. CUTFC was administered to students both in the experimental and control group as pre-test and post-test. Data was collected by using CUTFC questionnaires. Results of the study showed that there is no significant difference between experimental and control group in the pre-test, whereas a significant difference in favor of the experimental group was observed in the post-test. Therefore, it was determined that the coding activities have a significant effect on students’ understanding on fundamental of calculus.



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