Research in the eyes of the students: Bottom-up pedagogical teaching using lesson study
Alvin Odon Insorio 1 * , Robert Matthew Jasareno De Castro 2, Cherrie Coronado Manaloto 3
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1 College of Graduate Studies and Teacher Education Research-Philippine Normal University, Philippines
2 College of Graduate Studies and Teacher Education Research-Philippine Normal University, Philippines
3 San Pedro Relocation Center National High School, Philippines
* Corresponding Author


Teaching research suited to the student's level of understanding was one of the problems that arose since the implementation of senior high school programs. Teachers felt the students had difficulty understanding the research concepts, processes, and principles. A lesson study was conducted to determine how it helped the research teachers deliver the lessons in Inquiries, Investigations, and Immersion (3I's) subject. Moreover, it also aimed to determine how the students learned their lessons. The study was practical action research of three research teachers who followed the principles of lesson study for twelve research lessons that lasted for two months. One section from Grade 12 students was selected purposely based on the diagnostic test results in 3I's and examinations in Practical Research II. Multiple data collection methods were employed, like a semi-structured interview, classroom observation, open-ended questionnaires, and teachers' journals as rich data sources. The study revealed that lesson study could enhance the teaching of the research subject. Although there was a positive side to teaching using this approach, some suggestions still arose and were analyzed in this study.



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