Predictors of student attitudes towards artificial intelligence: Implications and relevance to the higher education institutions
John Mark R. Asio 1 * , Ediric D. Gadia 1
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1 Gordon College, Philippines
* Corresponding Author


Artificial intelligence [AI] is essential, especially in education. However, students still need to be more modest about utilizing it as a tool in the learning process. This study investigated the students' attitudes toward AI, the level of AI literacy, and AI self-efficacy. Also, the study intends to determine the predictors of student attitudes toward AI. Using a cross-sectional research design, the study assessed the perspectives of 708 voluntary students using a purposive sampling technique. With the help of Google Forms, the proponents used an online survey to gather the necessary data for the study. After collecting enough data, the data analyst employed descriptive and inferential statistics. Results show that regarding attitudes towards AI, the cognitive component got a remark of "agree"; however, in the case of affective and behavioral components, they both garnered a "moderately agree" remark. The students' AI literacy was "moderate," and their AI self-efficacy was the same. Also, the study observed significant variations in the perspectives, attitudes toward AI (use of any form of AI in learning, college/ department, year level, and gender), and levels of literacy (available gadgets at home, use of any form of AI in learning, and gender) and self-efficacy (available gadgets at home, use of any form of AI in learning, and gender). Moreover, the statistical analysis also showed a low to moderate relationship of student attitude, literacy, and self-efficacy. Linear regression confirmed the relationships between AI literacy and AI self-efficacy as significant predictors of student attitudes toward AI. The proponents offered some implications at the end of the study.



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