Emile Durkheim's moral perspective on reducing bullying and violence in schools: A phenomenological study
Helfra Durasa 1 * , Siti Nurul Fitriani 2, Erlin Erlin 3, Ketut C. A. Kusuma 1, I. Putu Sriartha 1
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1 Ganesha University of Education, Singaraja, Indonesia
2 Hamzanwadi Pancor Islamic Institute, East Lombok, Indonesia
3 State Junior High School 2 Mimika, Mimika, Indonesia
* Corresponding Author


Morality plays an essential role in human life, tying social behavior to the dynamics of life. Despite the importance of universal morality, ethical awareness in education is not fully understood, leading to continued cases of bullying and violence in schools. This research aims to understand the role of morality in reducing bullying and violent practices in schools, with a particular focus on Emile Durkheim's moral perspective. The study used descriptive and interpretive phenomenological analysis. His research subjects were Madrasah Ibtidaiyah students and teachers from six schools in East Lombok Regency. Data collection techniques include in-depth interviews, observations, and literature reviews. Data analysis uses descriptive and interpretive analysis. The results showed that strategies for preventing and handling bullying and violence could be done through 3 strategies as a synthesis of Emile Durkheim's thinking, including internalizing moral values, ensuring students behave safely, and the role of teachers as intermediaries in building safe behavior at school. The study emphasizes the importance of a multi-method approach based on morality to reduce bullying and violence in schools. It provides insight into strategies for internalizing moral values, creating a safe environment for students, and the role of teachers in maintaining discipline.



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